Have you ever realized just how much a certain scent or song can bring up past feelings and memories,just by hearing or smelling something. I can even take it a step farther by saying I can just be going through my day, doing the norm everyday stuff, hear a song from the past and bam! all of a sudden... my mood changes. Sometimes the memories are so strong that at times I have been brought to tears, just by hearing a song. Is that weird or what!, literally...my whole day may end up in funk!(my hubby says that I am absolutely oddballish this way) just by hearing a song or the smell of a scent. I can't...help it, it's like the whole coffee issue I have, just the smell of coffee gives me a certain high that cannot be explained. A few years back my sweet hubby bought me this really cool CD, that I loved and played everyday over and over so much so that my munchkins even started complaining, a bit excessive, I know. Then, in the midst of my excessive playing of this CD, a family member became very ill, we were told by the doctors that we may lose our beloved(by the way, the doc was wrong!, fam mem is fine! thanks doc!) The CD that I enjoyed listening to so much, now took on a whole new meaning. Now...! I can no longer listen to not only the CD, but I can't...even...listen to the artist! without going into this deep depression and feeling so incredibly sad and lonely!. Okay...I know what your thinking, dang! girl needs serious therapy!, and to that I say...yes, yup,right, sure do. That is exactly why I started this blog, this...my friends...is my therapy!
I turned forty this past spring, me, 40 years old! I tried all year long to ignore my age. It's so depressing this new phase of my life. I am no longer referred to as miss, girl or young lady I am now Mrs. or Mam. Now, I simply ignore those people who have decided to put me in this category, the clerks, salespeople, baggers (at least the young cute one's) at the grocery store, my nail girl (for this she gets no referrals from me!, this is my way of getting her back for calling out in the salon...oh, mam... you forgot your keys, really is that necessary!) ect... and anyone else who has deemed me old! No, I don't desire to be a kid or a teenager ever again, although I had the time of my life with no responsibilities and parents who pretty much gave us all that we desired or wished for (this, I am not passing on to my children.), I like being an adult. I just don't like that I'm getting older, I don't like that my face cream is no longer for women who are 40(acco...